Box shells terra 珠寶盒
這款棉質亞麻布盒非常漂亮。 它讓我們想起小時候在祖母的梳妝台上玩耍、試戴她的珠寶的情景。
This Cotton linen box is enchantingly beautiful.
It reminds us of when we were little girls playing at our grandmothers dressing table,
trying on her jewellery.
With this you can create your own special place to hold all your small treasures and jewellery.
Dimensions & Weight:
❀ 珠寶盒尺寸:20 x 17 x 8公分
❀ 珠寶盒重量:430 克
❀ Jewellery box dimensions: 20 x 17 x 8 cm
❀ Jewellery box weight: 430 grams
❀ 由棉麻混紡手工製成
❀ 手工刺繡的玻璃珠貝殼
❀ Handmade from a cotton linen blend
❀ Glass beads shells embroidered by hand